Kilmalock 25 OctBallina 3 NovBallymahon Cork 15 NovKiltimagh 16 NovDoonbeg 18 NovTubbercurry 23 Nov-----Supper Theatre 25th to the 28th

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The Bear - Stage  The play takes place in the drawing room of Elena Ivanovna Popova's estate on the seven-month anniversary of her husband's death. Since her husband died, Popova…

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Life After Elvis by  Jason MilliganShort Play, Comedy  /  3m, 1fWhat if Elvis were alive and living in middle America? This play answers the question in farcical fashion, suggesting that the…

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A Marriage Proposal by Anton ChekhovShort Play, Farce  /  2m, 1fIvan Vassiliyitch Lomov has come to propose marriage to his neighbor's 25-year-old daughter, Natalia. But when she is invited into…

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